Marmite – that quintessential British spread that evokes strong opinions and reactions. I love the stuff but my husband hates it and makes this strange noise every time I spread it on my toast. He also thinks it's really funny to hide the jar on the top shelf of the kitchen cupboard, right at the back so that I have to get a chair to retrieve it. Hysterical.

Having always admired the distinctive shape of the jar and it's label I decided to change it to read 'Ramsgate" after hearing such a range of strong opinions about the town from customers in our shop -  McGillan & Woodell.

Many, including visitors, have sung it's praises and delighted in the sandy beaches, brilliant architecture and Royal Harbour. Others find it frustrating that the town isn't what it had been in it's heyday when they were young and there were more traditional attractions. Isn't that the case with all British seaside towns these days though? They are all having to reinvent themselves and move forward.

Personally I think that Ramsgate is amazing, in fact if you look at my redesigned label it reads RAMSGATE, THANET EXTRACT, RICH IN BEACHES, 100% AMAZING. Says it all.


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 Marmite – that quintessential British spread that evokes strong opinions and reactions. I love the stuff but my husband hates it and makes this strange noise every time I spread it...